Embedding ESG into the Bank's Activity
The Management Board plays an important role in the bank's corporate governance system.

Its prime responsibilities are the bank's strategic management, financial accounting and reporting, risk management, corporate governance and values.

The Management Board performs on basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, determining the basic norms and principles of the bank's corporate governance system.
Executive Management Board
  • Mikhail Brykhanov
    Head of the Committee, Сhairman
    of the Management Board of the Bank
Development Committee
  • Vera Zamigulova
    Сommittee member, Chief Compliance Officer
  • Dmitry Kurkin
    Committee member, Deputy Director of Sales Department
  • Alexander Khorkov
    Сommittee member, Head of Internal Audit

The Management Board of the Bank determines the priority areas of the bank's activities, approves and monitors the implementation of the bank's development strategy, approves the risk and capital management strategies of the bank, determines the principles and approaches to the establishment and operation of an effective internal control system, evaluates the activities of the executive bodies of the bank, approves the personnel policy, as well as the principles of corporate governance and information policy of the bank.

An independent director is a person who has sufficient expertise, experience, and independence to form his position and can make objective and bona fide judgments, independent of the influence of the bank's executive bodies, individual groups of shareholders, or other stakeholders. The bank complies with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code in terms of electing at least one-third of independent directors to the Management Board.

The bank may establish a limit on the number of organizations in which the Board members act as the Board members or have employment relations.